Saturday, April 6, 2013

You're here!!

We went to the hospital on 4/3 at 6:30 in the morning so that they could induce Mommy and bring you here! Nonni and Popa and Aunt Brittany came and stayed all day to wait for you. They put me on some medicine before 8am and kept checking on both of us throughout the day. You would not come out! They worried about you having too much stress so we decided to have surgery to get you out at about 10:30 that night. You were born at 10:56pm on 4/3/2013. You weighed 6lbs 1oz and was 19.25 inches long. Daddy got to hold you first and he loved it. Then Mommy got to hold you and we practiced nursing. By that time, Nonni, Popa, Aunt Brittany, Aunt Susan, Memaw and Big Daddy were all there waiting for you. They got to see you a little after midnight and pass you around before the doctor kicked them out so we could rest. They fell in love as well! You were so alert. Your eyes were open and you were looking around at everyone and it was amazing. 

(More details for Mommy)
I was less than 1cm dilated when we went to the hospital and about 30% effaced. By 1:00ish I was 1cm and 50% then by 5:30 I was 2cm and 80%. Around 7:30 I was 2cm and 90% effaced and they were worried about the baby's heart rate because she wasn't having enough time in between contractions to settle her heartbeat. We decided that if I wasn't further by 9:30 then we'd have a c-section. At about 10pm the doctor came to check on me and there was no progress. We decided then to do a c-section. I didn't even have time to process it before they were prepping us for surgery. Cory held my hand the whole time and after Reagan was born they had to work on her a bit to get her breathing. It was scary. After that she was fine and we were able to see her. 

The first night in the hospital you slept in the bassinet right beside Mommy's bed so she could keep an eye on you. You slept so well and I was so happy you were breathing! Daddy got up with you a few times to take care of you. He is so great! He is constantly holding you and loving on you and changing your diapers. He helps me out so much since I can't do a lot because of the surgery. 

We stayed in the hospital Wednesday through Friday and got to go home on Friday. The doctors said they you were doing so great and were pleased with how you were nursing and doing. 

This will be our second night home as a family. I can't even explain how happy I am to have you here. It feels like you've been here my entire life! Last night you nursed from about 1am-4am and then slept from about 4 until 8:30 that morning! It was amazing. Then you nursed most of the morning. We've had a lot of visitors lately so I'm going to post some pictures of you with some of your amazing family. 

We love you so much baby Reagan! You're my best friend and the perfect little lady. 

Love you!!!

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